Monday, June 27, 2005

Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad / History of my journey

My husband and I were introduced to Robert Kiyosaki in April of the year 2000. My father-in-law lent us two books as we journeyed from Sydney, NSW to Cairnes, QLD in Australia. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki was one of those books.

Personally, I don't really like reading, but Rich Dad, Poor Dad had such a great format and was so easy to read, and because the content was mind-boggling to me, I read the entire book in the span of a few hours and found myself so full of thoughts and ideas!! My husband also read the book that trip (it rained and rained and rained while we were in the tropics that time :( ) and we came away from that holiday with altered perceptions of the world.

Over the past 5 years, we've been building and growing a profitable business venture and in the past 6 months, the amount of work I personally am required to handle has reduced quite a bit, without our income being similarly affected. So, we're both drawing a decent wage from our company but I am not working full time anymore. This is a good thing - it gives me time to research and learn about investing and generating passive income my own way, while my husband continues to work on his dream of growing our current company even further.

I've played the board game CashFlow 101, along with reading or listening to audiobooks of more of Robert Kiyosaki's teachings off and on over the past five years, although I have never attempted to apply the knowledge. Right now, however, I feel as if I should begin to learn from Robert more by taking action instead of just reading and acquiring knowledge. Five years is enough of just reading - now I must do some playing.



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