Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cashflow 101 eGame, multiplayer

I subscribed to Rich Dad's Insiders access on a monthly basis just a few days ago, and since then I've been playing a game or two of CashFlow against opponents every night. It's been very interesting!

Tonight's game was against an interesting chap from the UK who had been introduced to Rich Dad Poor Dad and the CashFlow games under a month ago. We had a great number of conversations as we went through the game and I'm sure I'll cross his path again.

My game went well - I didn't waste time or money on stocks because none fit my 'buy' requirements, and I was able to sell a house for about 80k profit and pay off all of my loans, etc, rather early off. I started with semi-high expenses, however, so there were Other Expenses that I couldn't remove.

I was about to get out of the Rat Race when my game partner rolled a successful endeavor in the Oil Field thing in the fast track...

My score was better than last time, so I'm happy. Last time STANK!

The thing I learned this time, mainly, was about the whole "interaction with another gamer online about financial stuff" thing. I think I will go into games with a goal to be the "teacher" or to be the "learner", and that will help my expectations and enjoyment of the process.


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