Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cashflow 101 eGame, revisited.


Since playing Cashflow 101 eGame against computer opponents (knowing that computer opponents are programmed, at least somewhat, to follow the route the game producer wants the gamers to learn to improve their game), my strategy has completely changed in the game.

And of course, strategy changes in the game influence my strategy plans in real life as well.

The key of what the game is trying to teach is to pay off debts first, stick with "small deals" until you can afford basic "big deals", don't be afraid to take bank loans on a good cashflow property/business, pass on poor or negative cashflow properties, focus on good cashflow vs good potential return if the value of the house increases and you can sell it.

The makers of the game are not saying you cannot get out of the rat race using other strategies, but it's based more on luck than anything if you DO get out of the rat race that way - at least, any faster than the less risky ways noted above.

I have Cashflow 202 eGame now, and have installed it and played it a few times. It, itself introduces many more thoughts, which I will write about later!



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