Monday, October 24, 2005

Alternatives to Google's Adsense ad program

Adsense is where I get most of my income from that blog that's doing well, but I've found a few times when Adsense isn't enough, because the Adsense bot "can't find enough relevant content" on the front page(!) and the ads then really suck-er-oo.

I poked around online and found AlternateURL, which works well in conjunction with Adsense to ensure there's some kind of paying ad on your site where you wish to display ads. I implemented it about a week ago and although I haven't had very many click-thru's yet nor much revenue from it (1000 views, 6 click thru's, $.33 :) ), I'm pleased with its results, because if nothing else it lets me know just how often the Adsense bot is having troubles with my main page. I haven't implemented this across all of my blogs yet, just some, so far.

I was reading a blog about how to make money with your blogs, and learned about Chitika. It's yet another ad program that publishers can subscribe to, but its ads look definitely different than the Google ones so there's absolutely no clash with any terms and conditions with Google Adsense.

Again, I've only been subscribed with Chitika for a week but already I've had 2500 impressions and - yes its measly - 2 click-thru's, which have generated $.58 for me. Considering it can sometimes take 10-15 click-thru's on the Adsense ads that come up for my site to generate $.50, I'm happy with a few click-thru's and a bit more cash.

We'll see, however, if I ever get actual cheques from either of these places. Will I hit their minimum for payout?

Stay tuned and see! And in the mean time, note that the links in this entry have affiliate ID's attached so if you sign up after clicking through to them, I'll be marked as who referred you and I'll get a bit of a commission. I personally signed up to both of these "under" someone, even though I didn't know who the people were at all. I appreciate good information and good advice, and am willing to share a bit of the money I earn with others in the same boat as me. I hope you share this ideal with me and if you're signing up, sign up with me as the referrer :)


At Thu Aug 02, 11:57:00 AM CDT, Blogger Truthful888 said...

I lived 7 decades in the American Dream only to watch Housing skyrocket' the dollar hollowed out of 97% of its 1941 value, and wages level off.

The Housing mistake cannot easily be blamed on the government. we did it to ourselves.

Rising fuel prices and leveled wages will prevent our children and grandchildren from living in the cheap oil and housing markets of the oast.

We fcn blew it!

So, as a retired grandfather, who worked hard and raised 2 familys, I now live outside all winter long
with food money only


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